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Is the Next Big Thing Building Off-line Communities?

Liberals Only Want Freedom of Association for Other Liberals

The Current Landscape

Basically any group that pushes the Cultural Marxist agenda will preserve their own rights to congregate, exchange ideas, and in effect, become stronger. However, those groups that wish to disrupt the momentum of the global elite, will be on maximum surveillance and exposed to social ostracism at any given moment. Even though freedom of association is protected by the U.S. constitution, we have already seen how these freedoms are being slowly eroded away. One pertinent example is the attempted ROK global meet-up this past spring which was basically attacked in a 360-degree barrage style take-down whereby any potential attendee would have faced an immediate threat from the SJW crowd if they went to one of these events.

The Law of Unintended Consequences

All of this increased infringement upon specific groups will back fire in the long run. In fact, once most people see their freedoms being taken away, it will compel them to work harder to associate with those who share their views.

Why is off-line so important?

Because this is where life happens. Sure there will be ultra-liberal tranny types that are happy to live their entire life online and eventually be the first ones to sign up to be literally plugged into the matrix. But generally speaking, on-line will be used for information gathering and community building to ultimately be taken off-line. Real human interaction, especially those interactions which appear to be forbidden by the rest of society, will have ever more important meeting. A chance to share ideas, exchange practical knowledge, and share a few laughs, while on a certain level can be had online, the offline transfer is several times more powerful.

What to expect in the future

The current yoga model (although liberal) seems like a fairly solid representation of what things may look like in the redpill/manosphere/neomasculine world. Teachers may be based or travelling around specific hot spots across the world, and small communities will form. In this vain, these will be outposts where awakened men (and potentially their families) will gather to improve their station. For mine, I will have a school/learning center for children and adults, yoga shala, garden with organic food, MMA gym, and guesthouses.

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