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The Motorcycle Test

The Major Political Breakdown in Today's 1st World

If you had to break down worldly political movements into two camps, how would you describe it? Republican v. Democrat? Liberal v. Conservative? White v. Non-white? Poor v. Rich? As I see it and I as I will humbly put forth, the most important political movement in today's age is free market exchange (some call voluntaryism) v. communist facism. The former camp is Alpha in nature and mainly adheres to the laws of free will and biological rules found in the material world. In the latter camp, the law of lowest common denominator is followed and puts humanity in the crosshairs of de-evolution and endangerment.

Close to 100% of overweight women would have facist tendencies

The Battlefield

There is no doubt that the current war is an infowar with the global elite at the helm, enlisting both useful idiots and a small group of all-too-knowing henchmen to carry out and effectuate a propaganda campaign with the aim of effectuationg modern day slavery. On the other side of the battlefield lies all good intentioned men and women who hold ideals of freedom and liberty in the highest regard. They respect the laws of nature but also are fair in their understanding that those same laws can be unjust and thusly encourage charitable endeavors as a means of providing some balance when mother nature metes out otherwise cruel tests on our species.

The Motorcycle Test

To launch a formidable campaign against those forces bringing down humanity, we must spend our energies wisely. Every single person has ideologies that cluster somewhere along the paradigm of darkness and light, facism vs. freedom. The Motorcycle test is a great way to quickly determine whether the person sitting across from you is worth the time and energy to attempt to plant seeds of recruitment in the good fight of our day.

I don't purchase many things these days, mainly just the things necessary for survival like healthy food and rent. However, I did recently buy a nice motorcycle as a means of getting around. I started to notice a pattern of reactions of those who I disclosed this seemingly harmless information to. Sometimes it was quite subtle and other times more direct but it always seemed to convey their relative position along the political spectrum as described in this post.

Embodiment of Masculine Energy

Since the motorcycle has a very masculine and freedom-centric connotation about it, we can quickly gather a person's attitude toward all those things that it might represent - patriarchy, neomasculinity, liberty, freedom/free market, and so on.

The motorcycle is just a symbol or allegory, so you can use anything you'd like in its place that sufficiently encapsulates alpha tendancies. But make sure there is no room for other interpretations. For example, buying the latest Tesla SUV might on it's face appear alpha, but once viewed through the eyes of a liberal, it might be seen as an environmentally friendly auto purchase and therefore you will not be able to get a clear reaction from your target.

Now that we have this powerful tool that will generally allow us to choose more wisely those we should be spending our energies on , we can bravely move forward in this infowar with more confidence that we will be wasting that most precious resource, time.

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