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An Open Letter to Feminists

Dear Feminists:

An Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

First and foremost, you must acknowledge that your life is less (and in many cases, much less) than ideal. Without this understanding, we will get nowhere. You must do the serious work of admitting to yourself that through a series of events of which you willingly participated, you have not reached your full potential. However, I am happy to announce to you that not 100% of blame lies with you. You are a victim in some respects and I am willing to grant you this much. We were all born into the Matrix and conditioned to be pawns in a game we never agreed to participate in. This goes for 99.9% of the people (men and women) born in the Western world. However, as time goes on and especially with access to the abundance of information on the internet, your ability to play the "victim" card evaporates quite precipitously as you cannot portend plausible deniability any longer. I've drawn a nice little chart so you can visualize how this works:

How You Got Conned by the Global Elite

The global elite have an entire history of the modern world to perfect their slave model. We were born into a world that was prepared to make us its slave even before we were a little twinkle in our dad's eye. They know the human condition all too well, and the main tenant OF that condition is that most people, when given the choice, will take the easy road relative to the "road less travelled".

So, What Can You Do About This?

Once you have done the hard mental and spiritual work of understanding your true enemy, the next step awaits you which is actually getting on the battlefield. Here I will provide you a short list of actions you can take, although there are many more options:

1. Hit the gym on the daily. Nothing sheds communism quicker than a fit, healthy physique.

2. Return your hair color to its natural state and remove any piercings.

3. Become a master at something. Another communism repellant is mastering a skill or an art

4. Reclaim your true femininity. You may or may not be past "the wall", but either way, reclaiming what's yours is an important endeavour as you reconcile your life's path.

5. Start a blog / vlog. Detail the steps you took as you made the transition and spread the word far and wide.

6. Repent. this will bring a newfound sense of humility to your red pill game.

7. Study history. Take a bit of time to understand the forces of facism throughout history and the deathly destruction it always brings about. Pol Pot's reign of terror in Cambodia is a good place to start as this was a fairly recent event in history and therefore easier to relate to.

8. Watch The Matrix at least once per month.

The Biggest Loser (of shedding 3rd wave feminism)

Good luck with your journey and I am happy to call you my long lost friend. Together we can fight this mutual enemy, and once our task is accomplished we may or may not part ways, but we can rest assured we took the high road in order to necessarily defeat a great evil.



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