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How The World Works (Seen Through The Fitness Industry Lens)

How 'bout them GAINZZZZZZ! Stroll through any gym today or surf the plethora of fitness YouTube channels and that's the refrain you'll hear from time to time (ok a little bit more often than time to time). Getting big and jacked is a growing trend around the West as men seem to be on a dire quest to get a leg up on the next guy in securing the higher ground in sexual market value in this Instagram world we live in.

Nice Gains for a Global Elite Pawn

Caution: Snake Oil Salesman Ahead

So here's the basic game plan:

Grunt Level Game Plan

Take Steroids ------> Get Huge------>Build an Audience on the Back of Said Huge Gains------> Sell Supplements and Claim the Supplements Caused Gains

Global Elite Game Plan

Co-opt known steroid users----->"Help" build a social media audience (optional) ------> Leverage the fact that steroid use is illegal in order to control target

What can the elite now do with this asset?

1. Basically this guy can now "push" product that may or may not be detrimental to ones health or at least the noobs pocketbook if nothing else.

If the grunt actually finds out what is being added to the supplements that he is selling, he will get a gentle reminder that his entire career can be eliminated when they out him for steroid use. Don't think that the global elite would knowingly slip carcinogens and toxins into the food supply? It's basically an admitted fact that water has been flouridated unbeknownst to the general population. Also, glyphosate is used on most commercial produce, yet the government does nothing to stop this in the farming industry.

2. Push the Liberal Agenda

How many of these youTube body builders actually call out the global elite gameplan and talk about serious men's issues. I haven't found a single one. They are more likely to be like Furious Pete, a very effeminate man that mainly cowtows to his girlfriend (and, btw, his girlfriend is trying to get ripped and applying to become a firewoman, cuz equality).

Furious Pete Encouraging His Girlfriend to Look Like a Man

Of course not all Grunts are co-opted as outlined above. But a lot of them are and most don't know it.

The question we really need to ask ourselves

If again you think all of this sounds a bit far-fetched, let me ask you this one question. Why are steroids illegal in the first place? After all, taking steroids is victimless, other than possibly yourself (if we draw the conclusion that steroids are indeed harmful). The reason is ultimately that the evil forces need a guilty "hook" for their grunts. By making roids against the law, it is quite easy then to control the target.

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