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Has Yoga Been Co-Opted by Liberalism?

By most definitions, Yoga means to "yoke", or combine our physical bodies to our divine nature. It is a pathway to remove the conditioning that was given to us from the moment of birth onward. In essence, as individuals we can seek out our own truth vis-a-vis the yogic journey. That sounds like a very empowering undertaking for the individual. An undertaking that may show us our true human power. An undertaking that will unveil the very nature of all things both physical and meta-physical. Which is why it makes perfect sense that the cultural-marxist left has embarked on a subversion mission.

What Krishnamacharya's Yoga Class Looked Like Back In The Day

The cultural marxist seeks to turn all truths upside down. As the famous Orwell quote goes: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” If we live in these kind of times, it would make sense that yoga is under attack. Just have a look at what a typical yoga class looks like now and compare it to Krishnamacharya's school of yoga in India.

A Typical Modern-Day Yoga Class

How they Do It:

Create An Authority / Stamp of Approval

RYT Yoga Alliance has claimed authority in the Westernized yoga schools in certificate and credentialing. Although all of the ancient teachings of yoga would decisively reject a top-down authoritarian model, this is precisely what we have today. Now anyone with a dance background can become a yoga superhero after a 200 hour training course.

Yoga Pants Superstar

Pander to The Human Ego

A red-piller has to wonder if yoga has purely become a vehicle for women to demonstrate their SMV, obtain social media and real-life orbiters, and ultimately gain the upper hand on men. A quick stroll through yoga hashtags on Instagram or facebook will reveal unabashed selfies that convey sparse, if any, information on the actual practice of yoga but of course sparse clothes as well. Any information that is conveyed is mainly just regurgitated quotes which seeks to hide the fact that really, they just wanted to post a selfie.

#Yoga #Selfies are In Direct Opposition to the True Meaning of Yoga

Pander to the Spiritual "Oneness" of Yoga rather than other important lessons of Yoga

The first time I heard someone use the term "partner" when referring to their girlfriend/boyfriend, was in a yoga community. At first I just blew this off, not thinking about it too much. But then as I went deeper down the rabbit hole and other factors started popping up on my radar such as transgenderism and the use of pronouns such as "ze" and "zir", things started to come together. Essentially, yoga is also pushing the idea that we are all this collective "oneness", a beautiful spiritual entity. Imbedded in this is that gender is not a part of our divine selves and we were meant to be strictly "asexual" beings, and thusly gender is as fluid as the Ganges River. This ideology is key within the cultural marxist playbook. It is also extremely dangerous as it ultimately leads to abnormal male/female relations and sexual repression.


We mustn't forget our true power as individuals. We must always question alleged truths, even more so when the supposed truth comes from an "authority" figure. If you are have found supreme happiness and the way to tap into your divine power, then perhaps you have also found the "right" teachers. But if you are constantly searching, constantly struggling, and constantly depressed, it may be time to question those very teachers who claim they hold all the answers.

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