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A Basic Overview of the Global Elite (GE) Game Plan

Who Is the Enemy, Exactly?

In order to know the GE game plan, we of course must first know thy enemy to the extent possible. Unfortunately, chances are we will, in our lifetimes, never come into direct physical contact with a member of the global elite. They are adept at hiding in the shadows and away from any potential threat. However, we do have direct experience with the “matrix” of society which is basically the laws, social rules, and systems that the GE have created. This knowing is effectively the only tool we need to engage in the battle.

Is He Your Enemy?

What is the end-game of the GE?

On a very basic level, the main goal of the GE is control and domination. We live in a world that is an energetic phenomenon. But the energy in question isn’t the energy that can be seen or drilled for. The most valued resource of the elite is human energy. You can understand this concept if you reflect on your own life. Think about those times when you were so high on life that nothing could stop you. Maybe you were the life of the party, maybe you just won an epic sporting event, or maybe you were just on top of your PUA game and girls were flying at you. That energy you felt IS the energy of life and creation and this is the resource that the global elite are after.

How Accurate is the Depiction?

Who are the Main Enemies of the Global Elite

It goes without saying that the enemies of the Global Elite are of course the ones that could potentially destroy them. So who are the they? To answer this, let us first take a look at who they are NOT. Feminists are not the enemy of the global elite. Liberal white knights are not. People engaged in lesser race baiting battles are not. Third and Second world impoverished people are not. The large chunk of global elite enemies are basically heterosexual whites who believe in freedom and liberty. Most of these folks either actively indulge in Redpill knowledge or at least understand the basic principles without necessarily partaking in any online initiative.

What the Resistance Looks Like

GE strategy

Now that the Global Elite has stratified the enemy, the next step is to engage in propaganda wars in order to rally the useful idiots (such as feminists) to carry out the battle plans. The global elite know human nature all too well and they use this very knowledge to build their roster and with sheer numbers believe they can destroy the enemy. So lets exemplify this by taking a segment that is the low hanging fruit - feminists. We begin with the knowing that most women become feminists because they have essentially hit a wall and have failed at life (or at least failed at the biological order and creation of a nuclear family). There is no hope for them. So they are easily co-opted as the propaganda suggests to these "past-the-wall" feminists that there is indeed a culprit for their life’s failings, and that culprit is men. Safe spaces are created whereby white men can be openly crushed by feminist rage and venom, with absolutely no recourse. Jobs can be taken away, reputations destroyed, lives ruined all because a man stated a basic fact, which is that most American women have low SMV after the age of 30 (or so). This is just one of many examples of how this left/SJW/cultural marxists campaign matrix is operating in the GE favour. Of course books can be written about all the different ways in which the GE run propaganda campaigns. But here in this example, the purpose is to simply highlight a war tactic which is utilised by the GE.

You can...Destroy the Free World

So what’s the point of it all?

The point is this: Now that you know or intuit all of the above, everything becomes crystal FUCKING clear. And that is exactly how this battle is won, by knowing how to convert blue pills over to red pills. Once a blue-piller has a TRUE and CONCISE download of this basic roadmap, they will begin to have AHA! moments at a rapid fire pace. “Oh so that’s why Starbuck is defying Xmas”. “Ah so that’s why global warming is continuously pushed on average citizens”. “Oh so that’s how feminists can continue to maintain a platform for spreading massive lies”. And the list goes on and on like the energizer bunny.

So, let's take up arms in the Info War. In the next article, I will take a look at how Redpillers can identifiy potential allies and what strategies should be used in order to convert.

...and a Happy New Year

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